Cessna 172 SP

4- persoons hoogdekker. De PH-TWK is volledig IFR uitgerust met een 2-assige autopilot, GPS en HSI.
Airspeeds (2550 lbs)
Best Glide Range Speed 68 KIAS (Knots Indicated Air Speed)
Best Rate of Climb Speed 74 KIAS
Best Angle of Climb Speed 60 KIAS
Maximum Turbulent Air Operating Speed 105 KIAS
Maximum Flap Extended Speed, 10 / 10-30 110 KIAS / 85 KIAS
Landing Final Approach Speed (Flaps 30) 60-70 KIAS
Gross weight stalling speed power off;
Full flaps / Flaps up –> 48 KIAS / 53 KIAS
Cruise Speed (65% rated power) 110 KTS TAS (Knots True Air Speed)
Never Exceed Speed (VNE) 163 KIAS
Maximum Structural Cruising Speed (VNO) 129 KIAS
Basic Empty Weight (STANDARD) 1626 Lbs
Maximum Takeoff Weight, Normal / Utility 2550 Lbs / 2200 Lbs
Maximum Baggage Weight, area 1 / area 2 120 Lbs / 50 Lbs
Fuel Weight Full tanks (53 U.S. Gallon) 318 Lbs
Engine / limitations
Textron Lycoming 4 cilinder, air cooled, direct drive, fuel injected, fixed pitch propeller 180 BHP
Maximum Continuous Engine Speed 2700 RPM
Fuel: Avgas only; 100 Green or 100LL
Capacity usuable / total (long range tanks) 53 U.S. Gallon / 56 U.S. Gallon
Maximum Crosswind Component 15 KTS (Knots)
Maximum Positive Load Factor, normal / util. 3.8 G / 4.4 G
Maximum Negative Load Factor -1.52 G / -1.76 GFoto